MARKS – 20/12
- Analyse the historical significance of the Victorian period.
- Write an essay on the Non-Fictional prose that enriched Victorian Literature.
- Write a note on the position of women in Victorian Period.
- Write an essay on Bronte sisters.
- Compare and contrast Carlyle’s an Arnold’s prose style.
- ‘Ulysses’ as a dramatic monologue or Critical appreciation of the poem ‘Ulysses’.
- What do you think of Matthew Arnold as a Victorian poet? Use your understanding of the two poems ‘Dover Beach’ and ‘To Marguerite: Continued to substantiate your view.
- Comment on the use of 6he sea as a metaphor in the poems ‘Dover Beach’ and ‘To Marguerite: Continued.
- Comment on the character of the speaker in ‘Porphyria’s Lover’.
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- Give an account of the murder of Porphyria’s Lover.
- Critical appreciation of Porphyria’s Lover.
- How does Dickens portray parent-child relationship in David Copperfield?
- Why is Sonnets from the Portuguese named so?
- “Yet all experience is an arch”- To whom ‘experience’ seems like an ‘arch’ and why?
- What are the three parts of Divine Comedy?
4.What is the basic philosophy of Utlitarianism?
5.Write a short note on Thomas Hardy.
- Write short note on-
a)Great Expectation
b) Vanity Fair
c) Wuthering Heights
- Why does the poet refer to Sophocles in the poem ‘Dover Beach’.
- Why did lover kill Porphyria?
- Role of Fanny Robin in Far from the Madding Crowd.
- Some significant non-fictional prose writers of Victorian Age